Current Class Schedule

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Current Classes    Future Classes    Workshops


Private lessons   Sunday Classes    Monday Pre-Dance Class     

By Appointment:

Private Dance Lessons for Adults and Kids
All levels, absolute beginning and up

Learn Swing, Waltz, Foxtrot, Blues, Salsa, Cha-Cha, Club Dances and more.
Email us for details 

Sunday Classes are currently suspended due to coronavirus:

Beginning & Beginning/Intermediate classes, Sunday afternoons in the U District.
University Heights Community Center, 5031 University Way NE, Seattle 98105

Next Series — March 1-29     5 classes      $70 

Singles and couples welcome.     Pre-registration required.

Beginning Level

Cha-Cha  This dance came out of Cuba and first gained popularity in the 1950s. Cha-Cha is essentially Tripletime Salsa. The rhythm is the same with the tempo slowed down a bit, so if you know Cha-Cha you can dance Salsa because the same moves work in both dances.  This dance is popular with people of all ages because it’s easy, fun, and you’ll find energetic, captivating songs to dance to, by musicians as diverse as Louis Jordan, Elvis, and Pink Martini — or Gloria Estefan, Santana, Jose Feliciano and the Buena Vista Social Club — and, of course, many others. So pick your favorite musician from yesteryear or today and chances are you’ll find a Cha-Cha in their discography.  We’ll start at the very beginning and learn basic steps, some easy, fun moves and variations, and then string them together in lots of fun ways, to dance to your favorite songs. 

No previous dance experience needed. Register here.

Beginning/Intermediate Level

Cross Step Waltz 1.5 If you’ve done some cross step waltz and want to move on from the beginning, in a class that moves at a relaxed pace, this is the class for you. We’ll review the basic steps and move on from there to more easy, fun variations from Richard Powers’ new book. 

Previous dance experience or instructor permission required. Register here. 



Monday Pre-Dance Class and Dance is currently suspended due to coronavirus:

We’re back home at the Latvian Center for our Monday night pre-dance class and dance.

The class is progressive and drop-in — meaning we progress through new material for the same dance for several weeks, (usually about 4), before moving on to a different dance.

There is no pre-registration.  Just come when you can, remind yourself of a dance you know or learn something new (there’s always something new to learn about dancing), use the class to warm up for the dance or meet the other dancers.    

The class is beginner friendly in that when we start a new dance we go back to the basics, so if we’re doing a dance you don’t know, if you come to the first class, you can start at the beginning. 

Because we have a variety of experience levels in these classes, the class may move a little faster than a regular beginning class, so we offer several levels of learning for the moves and variations we’re teaching in each class. You can choose your comfort level. We also offer beginning and intermediate classes on Sundays, so if you want more, check out our Sunday classes, above.  

Everyone Welcome 

Beginners, Experienced Dancers, Singles, Couples

Join any time

Upcoming Pre-Dance Classes Cancelled until further notice

February 17 — Cross Step Waltz, Class 5 of 5

February 24 —  Mardi-Gras — Cajun Waltz, 1 week only

March 2-23 —  Cross Step Foxtrot — 4 weeks

Monday Pre-Dance Class Details

Who: All are welcome, no partner needed

When: Monday 6:30-7:30 Class, 7:30-9:30 Dance

Where: The Latvian Community Center*
            11710 - 3rd Ave NE  Seattle  98125
*Enter the property from NE 120th St, see the map here

How Much: $11 (Every night is “Newbie” night. Your first dance with us is only $6) 

Classes are drop-in, no pre-registration, just show up

Followed by a weekly dance

In Class we start each dance style at the very beginning, and instruction progresses over several weeks, through musical rhythms, basic movements and steps, fun, easy variations, styling, skills and techniques of the dance. 

Our approach to dance is easy-going, friendly, and light-hearted.  This is supposed to be fun! — And we play together to make it that way.

We also recognize different individual experience levels and learning curves, so we often offer options at various levels during class.  Choose the option that suits you in the moment.

You’re welcome to begin at any time. You don’t have to wait for the beginning of a new session. Start when it works for you, come when you can, pay only for the classes you actually take and then stay and dance, ‘cause you already paid for it. And besides, you’ll learn faster, and it’s FUN! (remember?)

We happily accommodate new students and returning students after an absence — if you start after the beginning of a class session — come a few minutes early and we’ll help you catch up.

Come learn a new dance, a new role, or more about a dance you know. 
Then stay for the practica.  We’ll be happy to see you! You’ll be glad you came! 


Want to Receive our Weekly Email?

If you’d like to be notified of what we’re teaching each week and get more information about our classes and dances, we send out a weekly email with that information.

Request to be added to the email here.


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Class© Copyright 2000-2019 Dance! Eclectic | website designed, created & mainteinaed by Linda Townsend West